Vegan food is nothing new, it’s as old as humanity! Why we should be eating more like peasants, less like royalty.
Read MoreDon’t diss tofu for being bland – thank it for being so great at soaking up delicious flavours!
Read MoreLess than 10% of soy grown is consumed directly by humans: the rest is fed to ‘food’ animals which is, frankly, a terrible waste.
Read MoreAs well as looking out for milk powder in our chips, we vegans have to be wary of fish swim bladders being used to make wine!
Read MoreIf you’re confused by freegans, beegans, ostrovegans and open omnivores, we are here to help!
Read MoreI’m vegan because I believe in kindness and justice – and I don’t believe I have the right to send others to slaughter.
Read MoreB12 supplements aren’t just for vegans, they’re for modern humans! Our food is so clean these days that we don’t get the B12 produced by bacteria.
Read MoreA well-stocked fridge and freezer is a joy and a privilege, and it makes cooking so much easier. Read about my weird breakfast combo!
Read MoreI love trying new ingredients, but if I don’t use them almost immediately they get forgotten at the back of the cupboard.
Read MoreWhy do so many people assume a vegan diet is either super-healthy or super-unhealthy? Sorry to be boring but that’s rarely true.
Read MoreI always say I’m vegan “for people, planet and animals” and I think the 'people' part is the least understood aspect of that.
Read MoreWe spent a week exploring Seoul, with each day’s adventure decided by which vegan restaurant was beckoning us for lunch that day.
Read MoreVegan at home, no problem. But the minute you step out your door, it can be a bit of a social minefield…
Read MoreI haven’t visited a zoo in more than 20 years but I still get to see plenty of non-humans.
Read MoreAs a vegan I find the issue of pets far more difficult and conflicting than the issue of food.
Read MoreRaising animals for humans to eat is inefficient: far better to grow crops to feed humans. Hate food waste? Go vegan!
Read MoreAngel Food is a proudly crowdfunded enterprise – and we’re grateful to our 340-plus shareholders who make it possible.
Read MoreMoving from self-employed to employer, our first competitor launches an annoyingly acceptable product, and idealism meets commercial realities.
Read MoreOn the technical challenges of making cheese without dairy – and what the heck is vegan cheese anyway?!
Read MoreA bridal bouquet of broccoli and chillis: meeting and marrying my staunchest supporter and most valued sounding board, Colin Woods.
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