Angel Food

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My proudest moment

January 31, 2025

By Alice Shopland, founder of Angel Food

I’m marking Veganuary 2025 by publishing a blog post a day.


I’ve never understood national pride. I don’t call myself a proud New Zealander, even though I’ve lived here since I was two years old. It’s not a matter of pride for me, not for political reasons (although there are those too!) but because I being a New Zealander isn’t something I earned—I simply moved here with my parents.   

I do say I’m a proud mum and grandmother, but even that feels more like luck than pride. However, there’s one thing I am genuinely proud of: being vegan. It’s something I actively chose, going against societal norms, and it remains one of the most meaningful decisions of my life. 


Choosing Compassion 

 Becoming vegan 20 years ago was a transformative experience. It opened my heart and brought me peace of mind. I believe deeply in kindness, compassion, and justice, and veganism allows me to live in alignment with those values. 

 Before I was vegan, I used to look away when I saw trucks filled with cows or sheep headed for slaughter. Now, I look directly at those animals. I feel sad, but I no longer feel guilty. Sadness somehow feels like a cleaner emotion than guilt – not pleasant, but easier to bear.   

We’re encouraged to see non-human animals as inferior, as if they don’t experience the same range of emotions we do. But anyone who’s spent time with animals—whether it’s a pet cat in an apartment or a cow on a farm—knows that’s not true. Animals feel joy, fear, pleasure, and pain. They form bonds, they play, and they grieve. Above all, they want to live! I don’t believe I have the right to take their lives, and that’s why I’m vegan.


More Than an Individual Choice 

 Veganism isn’t a panacea for the world’s problems, but it’s a powerful step in the right direction. It’s better for the environment, better for people, and, of course, better for animals. Every day, around 220 million land animals are slaughtered globally. That staggering figure includes dairy cows and their calves—animals who are exploited even before their lives are taken. 

For me, the plight of these “food animals” is the driving force behind my veganism. The scale of suffering is unimaginable, and yet it’s something we have the power to reduce, simply by changing what we eat. 


A Climate Solution Within Reach 

Although my primary motivation is the impact on animals, I believe the climate crisis will ultimately bring veganism into the mainstream. The science is clear: a plant-based diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.   

What are we waiting for? The solution is already here. We don’t need to wait for governments or corporations to deliver a miracle. We just need to reach for plant-based foods. 


For Future Generations 

We have the information. We know what needs to be done. If we don’t act now, our children and grandchildren will have every right to ask why we didn’t. 

I’m proud to be vegan because it’s a choice I made with intention, compassion, and hope. It’s a choice that reflects the world I want to see—one that’s kinder, fairer, and more sustainable for everyone.